A meaningful life deserves to be shared and protected

Share special life events with friends and family, avoid emergency medical complications, plan for the future, and leave a legacy.

Life Events
Gold Line
Life Events Video

What are you waiting for?

You’ve lived, loved, learned, and experienced many life events. Do you find yourself reminiscing about memorable moments in your past?

Have you shared those special moments with loved ones?
Are you prepared for a medical emergency?
Do you have a plan for the future?

Confidently answer these questions YES with Life Events.

Special Moments
Personal Health Record
Life Planning

What users are saying about Life Events

Life Events Testimonials


birthday wishes

Celebrate Special Moments with Heartfelt Birthday Wishes

Life Events is a startup launching in 2023. The app organizes information about significant events occurring in most people’s lives. Its purpose is to facilitate the flow of information around the event to ensure efficient execution.


Try Life Events
for Free

Life Events is free! There is no credit card required to get started, all modules are included, you won’t be bombarded with ads, and you can leave at any time. 

What’s the catch? Storage space is limited to 5GB, which should be enough to use it in a meaningful way. If you need more storage you can leverage your current cloud provider or buy a paid subscription
